Privacy Policy

Ensuring the privacy and security of our users and visitors is paramount at Lenovo. Our Privacy Policy comprehensively outlines the methods through which we gather, utilize, and safeguard your data during your engagement with any of our official websites, services, or platforms.

1. Personal Information Collection

When you visit our websites or engage with our services, we collect certain personal information to improve your customized and seamless experience.

This could encompass your name, contact information, browsing habits, IP address, and device specifics. Our purpose in collecting this data is to comprehend your requirements, offer superior assistance, and refine our offerings.

2. Use of Collected Information

The data we gather is utilized to enrich your browsing experience, tailor your engagements with our services, and enhance our products. Furthermore, we may employ this data for marketing endeavours, including updating you on our latest offerings, promotions, and events. Your data may also be leveraged to customize your experience across Lenovo’s platforms and facilitate effective communication with you.

3. Data Security Measures

We are dedicated to safeguarding the confidentiality of your data. To thwart any unauthorized access, disclosure, tampering, or destruction of information, we have established stringent security measures and consistently evaluate and enhance our systems. Our security procedures are meticulously crafted to surpass industry benchmarks.

4. Third-Party Disclosure

Lenovo prioritizes the confidentiality and security of your personal information. We refrain from selling, trading, or transferring your data to third parties without your explicit consent. Nonetheless, your information might be disclosed to trusted third parties solely to aid us in providing our services, with whom we have contractual agreements to ensure the confidentiality and security of your data.

5. Cookies and Tracking Technologies

We utilize cookies, web beacons, and additional tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience and analyze your interactions with our websites and services. These tools assist us in comprehending your preferences and browsing habits. You retain the option to personalize your cookie settings and manage the information collected.

6. Updating Your Information

We are entitled to examine, amend, or remove your data whenever necessary. We are dedicated to upholding the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of the information in our possession.

Should you have any inquiries, apprehensions, or requests concerning the privacy of your data, kindly contact our Privacy Team using the provided contact details.

7. Contact Us

For any inquiries or additional information regarding our Privacy Policy, feel free to reach out to our Privacy Team at are dedicated to addressing your inquiries and providing assistance for any issues about your privacy.

8. Retention of the Data*

We retain your data only for the duration required to fulfil its intended purposes or as prescribed by applicable laws. Upon reaching the point where the data serves no further purpose, we ensure your privacy by securely deleting or anonymizing it.

9. International Data Transfers*

Your data might be transferred to and stored on servers situated in various countries globally where Lenovo conducts its operations. By availing of our services, you consent to the transfer of data to countries outside your jurisdiction.

10. Privacy Policy Changes*

Lenovo maintains the right to modify or update this Privacy Policy at any time.

. All alterations will be disseminated through our channels, and it is incumbent upon you to periodically review the revised policy. By continuing to use our services after any modifications, you acknowledge and accept the updated policy.

11. Data Subject Rights*

You possess specific entitlements concerning your data, encompassing the rights to access, rectify, restrict processing, and delete it. Additionally, you might have the privilege of data portability and the option to file a complaint with a supervisory body.

12. Governing Law*

The regulations outlined in this Privacy Policy adhere to the legal framework of the region where Lenovo conducts its operations. Should any disputes arise regarding this policy, they will be resolved solely within the jurisdiction of the courts in that respective region.

13. Data Sharing Practices*

We may disclose your information to our affiliates, service providers, or business partners for valid reasons like order fulfilment, payment processing, or marketing endeavours. The parties involved have a contractual obligation to uphold confidentiality and are authorized to use the information exclusively for executing their designated services.

14. Opt-Out Options*

You are entitled to unsubscribe from marketing communications from Lenovo at any time. You can easily update your communication preferences via your account settings or by following the guidance outlined in our marketing emails.

15. Data Accuracy*

We are dedicated to ensuring the precision and up-to-date of your information. You have the option to review and amend your details either within your account settings or by reaching out to our support team for assistance.

16. Principles of Data Protection*

We adhere rigorously to data protection principles to ensure that your information is processed lawfully, fairly, and transparently.. Your data is gathered for specific, clear, and legitimate purposes, and it is securely stored to safeguard its confidentiality and integrity, ensuring it remains protected.

17. Consent of the user *

By utilizing our services, you consent to the collection, processing, and sharing of your personal information per our Privacy Policy.

You retain the option to revoke your consent at any point, though this action may affect your access to specific features or services.

18. Data Policy Review*

We urge you to periodically revisit this Privacy Policy to remain informed about the handling of your information. Any revisions will be distinctly communicated, and your ongoing utilization of our services following adjustments denotes your acknowledgement of the updated policy.

19 . User Feedback and Inquiries*

We highly appreciate your input regarding our Privacy Policy and data processing procedures. Should you have any inquiries, apprehensions, or recommendations, please feel free to reach out to our support team or Privacy Officer.

20. Data Protection Compliance*

Lenovo consistently conducts evaluations to ensure alignment of our data processing activities with this Privacy Policy, pertinent legal mandates, and industry standards. Upholding your privacy and data protection remains our foremost commitment.